This week, I present to you, Mia! She arrived as healthy and as loved as can be! Before the baby arrives, we usually play a game called "Guess It". We have the mom, dad, doctor, nurse and of course ourselves guess the time of arrival, birth weight, and birth time. In the past, I have even guessed which song would be playing on the CD player the moment the baby arrived (Taylor by Jack Johnson....oh yeah! I'm still pretty proud of that one!). This time I guessed that the weight would be 6 pounds, 11 ounces. I anxiously looked over the nurses shoulder as she weighed little Mia. Final verdict: 6 pounds, 10 ounces. I was off by one stinkin' ounce, BUT I still had the closest vote! I get a little I was very happy with my victory. :)
Without further ado....I present to you Ms. Mia Grace Michel
Proud Daddy.....
Meet your new little sis, Mason! He was so cute when he saw her! He blurted out, "How are we going to take care of all these kids!?" It had the entire room in tears they were laughing so hard!
Want to know one of the best parts of my job?! Not only do I get to be there to witness and capture the happiest and biggest milestone moments in people's lives...but I also get to pretend like I am important in all of my surgery gear. No med school, but I still get to sit in on all of the deliveries and C-sections. But take note of one thing....if it were up to me, the hospitals would have MUCH more flattering paper gowns....because this does nothing for me..... :)
1 comment:
what a great "session!" you guys are so wonderful with your birth stories!
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