Happy Black Friday everyone! Hope you are all getting your shop on, finding the best deals, and not getting trampled along the way! Rather than spending my favorite morning to shopping amidst the crowds, I will be shooting a wedding today!! But first.....I wanted to share this family session with you! This little man had the golden birthday of all birthdays. He turned one on 11/11/11. We started off at their house, and then went down the street to finish up his birthday session. I pulled up to a spot I thought would be perfect, and said follow me! As we began shooting, they informed me that we were in the EXACT spot where they had their first date. During that exciting, getting to know each other, falling in love stage...the two of them sat in the very spot that I had picked out. Although now they were two parents trying to make sure their child did not run thru a thorny bush....they were still that in love couple that they were back then.... +1. :)

Check out their slideshow HERE.
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