When your mom and dad happen to be huge Cardinal fans, when you happen to be born the same month as the World Series, and when you happen to be named after one of this city's favorite St. Louis Cardinal Pitchers.....you are bound to have an announcement that looks a little something like this. :) He smiled as soon as we laid him on Fredbird. Perfect!!!

You have arrived! Welcome to the LeLe blog!!!!2 Sisters. One Shared Love. Best way to get to know us with out knowing us is right here. We put every part of who we are into our work. Our shared hearts, souls, personalities, words, and visions are spilled out for you below in each and every blog post.Home base is St. Louis, but we are always traveling EVERYWHERE! Destination weddings are Ashley's FAVORITE! Sooooo......no matter where in the world you may be reading this from, by all means....contact us! :)Have camera, will travel!
very cute!
Nice work as always lele!! Those are some good people right there. I Love the Stoverinks and Lele!!
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